What's Your Refrain?

The Goldfinch, by Carel Fabritius

It’s spring. A certain bird is back in my yard.

She sounds the first four of Beethoven’s 5th every few minutes. When I first heard the notes (while struggling to record a song in 2019), they felt like an omen. Now, the refrain is oddly soothing.


It’s a hook that spans the centuries. You can’t forget it. There’s nothing, nothing like the power of a hook. Lifting, captivating. Making the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Pulling your car to the side of the road. Drawing you, inexorably, into a memory. I’m particularly enamored by chorus melodic/harmonic hooks, being a Boomer and all. The Bee Gees were masters of the craft.

Back to refrains, similar to hooks… no mood for pedantry here.

As a musician, artist, healer, or solopreneur, what’s your refrain? What’s that unforgettable hook you possess? If you can put it into words, fine. It might not be possible. But in order for your website to be a convincing expression of your gifting and offering, it’s crucial that you know this on some level. And communicate it to me, if you’re my client.

Yes, I’ll receive your assets (photos, copy). Yes, I’ll meet you (required!), tune in to you, and get a sense of your current online presence. As we proceed, your feedback and our relationship will help us marry your site with your refrain. So you’ll be unforgettable. Like that bird.

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